Wednesday, June 23, 2010

With the phantom sculptures gone and my design finished(somewhat), these are some photos of what I have done.

Came back today....and this was in my office...can't tell what they are?
Ive added the websites to my journals in my office, theyre angled to keep with the inspiration from the LA SALLE building.

Here you can see my facade, I've also shortened the overall height of the building as I found it too large and there was a lot of unused space.

Here you can see my new texture (on the right) and the facade that is based on the LASALLE wall, I created it in photoshop as it has a jagged edge.

Here you can see the interior space of "LASALLE college", I quite like the angled glass, and the clear and obvious black bordering on the window frames.
I would like to use the facade from this building as i think its very interesting, also the open area inside I think is great, as you can experience the outside and still be under cover.

Here is the building for the city campus for "LASALLE", I think it's an amazing structure, both aesthetically and functionally as it is obviously (from the above photo) an attractive design

This is an issue of my journal, I found this journal the most interesting and inspiring (in all honesty it's probably because there were more pictures). I found a very interesting building that I loved and decided to base my office on(structurally) called " LASALLE College of the Arts".

Progressed quite alot since i first blogged, not happy with the amount of prims that I have used already, it is mostly due to the "woven" walls ive created, theyre roughly 15 prims each and I have 3 of them.
Also I added my blog to the texture of one of the walls, as you can see in the top photo.
I imported my texture from the internet, it is supposed to represent "rust" as I found a rather interesting building in my journal titled "Singapore Architect", it was a completely a rusted metal exterior which i found quite interesting.
I'm not too hapy with the texture as I believe it looks like wood, so I'm going to look for another one and hopefully represent rust better.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The beginning.....I had started my office a little while ago but have only just got around to creating my blog, I took a few snap shots along the way so alot of posting will occur over the next few days.

So after a few trials,errors and trespassing on Kaiako I finally found a nice spot for my office, it has a nice seaview although its somewhat interferred by some sort of construction that you can see in the above photo...